All currently available column types are listed below. You can check out our API documentation if you'd like more information on the data available for each column type.
What is the rate limit for Labsheet API?
What is the rate limit for Labsheet API?
Column Type Name | Data Type | Description | What API end-points are supported with these columns? |
ID | ID | Manually controlled ID that a user can use per row. This is simply a free text column | This is supported in all the Labsheets API where we need an ID column. |
UUID | UUID | This is also a type of ID column. | This is supported in all the Labsheets API where we need an ID column. |
Barcode | ID_BARCODE | Barcode ID is a human-friendly system-generated ID where you can decide the prefix and suffix for your ID and it auto-increments based on the rows added to Labsheets. The ID can also be used to generate barcodes for scanning purposes and to print labels. | This is supported in all the Labsheets API where we need an ID column. |
Free Text | TEXT | It is simple free text column. | Supported in all Labsheets API wherever needed. |
Date | DATE | Supports data type columns. Usually, Scispot follows the standard formats such as MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY | Supported in all Labsheets API wherever needed. |
List | LIST | The list column lets you create drop-downs within your Labsheets. | This column is supported in all labsheets API. |
Number | NUMBER | Supports only numbers. This includes all the numbers that are written as decimals or exponentials. Can be formulated | Supported in all Labsheets API wherever needed. |
Checkbox | CHECKBOX | It is checkbox column inside labsheets which accepts two values "true" and "false". | Supported in all Labsheets API wherever needed. |
Image | IMAGE_COL | This column is where you can embed your images. | Supportable Labsheet API's are: 3.Download Raw or PNG Image from Labsheet
Reference | CONNECTION | Supports adding reference to columns in the same or a different labsheets so you can easily connect different labsheets using this column. | Supported in all Labsheets API wherever needed. |
Batch ID | TEXT | This ID is used to tag a bunch of samples together. Supports adding bulk data in batches so you can assign the same unique ID to multiple samples or rows within Labsheets. | Supported in all Labsheets API wherever needed. |
Created by | TEXT | Supports capturing the user details who's is creating the row inside Labsheets. | Supported in all Labsheets API wherever needed. |
Creation Date (System Generated) | DATE | Record the date when any specific rows gets added to the Labsheet. | Supported in all Labsheets API wherever needed. |
Files | ATTACHED_FILES (PDF, Excel, Word Doc, CSV, etc) | Supports uploading files through GUI of the Scispot Labsheets. | Currently Not supported using API's. |
Quantity | QUANTITY | This is a numeric type column and supports decimal too. | Supported in all Labsheets API wherever needed. |
Quantity left (read-only) | QUANTITY_LEFT | This is a numeric type column and supports decimal too. This is Read Only Column and generated by system. | Supported in all Labsheets API wherever needed. |
Quantity consumed (read-only) | QUANTITY_CONSUMED | This is a numeric type column and supports decimal too. This is Read Only Column and generated by system. | Supported in all Labsheets API wherever needed. |
Unit | UNIT | This is a list type column. It is used for units associated with your item like millilitres, centimetres, etc. | Supported in all Labsheets API wherever needed. |
Price per unit | PRICE_PER_UNIT | This is automated formulated column which calculated price for a unit. | Supported in all Labsheets API wherever needed. |
Location | LOCATION | It shows the location of the item in the Location Manager of Scispot. | Supported in all Labsheets API wherever needed. |
Sequence Data | FASTA/.GB/.DNA | Upload and visualize your DNA/RNA/Amino acid sequences | Supported in all Labsheets API wherever needed. |
Chem Data | SMILES/MOL/ InChi | Upload, design or visualize your chemical structure and check the stereochemical properties | Supported in all Labsheets API wherever needed. |