Pre Requisite
Github account
Scispot account with JupyterHub enabled
Scispot account with Github integration enabled
Customers with JupyterHub access have the option to sync scripts stored in JupyterHub with a Github repository
1 Github repository will contain a copy of the scripts stored in JupyterHub
Every 10 minutes JupyterHub syncs will occur to update any changes in JupyterHub with your Github repository
Only 1 Github repository can be synced with your JupyterHub scripts
Steps to Sync Jupyter Hub with a Github Repo
Copy the ENTIRE SSH key displayed in the modal. If it says "No public SSH key found" please contact your account manager to activate your GIthub sync functionality.
Set the repository to Private and choose any name for the repository. After configuring click Create Repository.
Click the SSH button beside the link
Click Confirm to sync your JupyterHub scripts with your Git Repo. Now changes in your JupyterHub scripts will be displayed in your Github repository.